Did you know?

When you have a good balanced gut, it allows you to better absorb various nutrients like protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals from your diet, turning them into fuel and recovery. This is one of many different ways that good gut health can benefit your general health and well-being.

Keep reading to find out more about the significance of gut health and how our Tasteless Probiotics + Prebiotics can help!

How gut health impacts your well-being and overall health: 

The gut, or gastrointestinal tract, is a complex system responsible for breaking down food, extracting nutrients and eliminating waste. However, the gut goes beyond digestion. It houses a diverse community of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and other microbes, collectively known as the gut microbiota, which plays an important role in maintaining a healthy gut.

  1. Digestive Health: A balanced gut microbiota helps promote efficient digestion and nutrient absorption of the food you eat. It helps break down carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and aids in the digestion process whilst helping prevent digestive disorders such as bloating, constipation, and diarrhea.
  2. Immune System Support: Approximately 70% of the body’s immune system is located in the gut. A healthy gut microbiota acts as a barrier against harmful pathogens, stimulating the immune system and helps prevent the overgrowth of harmful bacteria. It plays a vital role in reducing the risk of infections and autoimmune conditions.
  3. Overall and Mental Well-being: The gut and brain are closely connected through the gut-brain axis. The gut microbiota produces neurotransmitters and communicates with the brain through various pathways which influence mood, stress response, and overall mental health.

Benefits of taking care of your gut:

Tasteless Probiotics + Prebiotics was created to support you on your journey to a healthier gut! You can easily add it to a range of food and drinks, completely taste free! Some of the potential benefits of including Tasteless Probiotics + Prebiotics in your daily routine are: 

Supporting & Maintaining Digestive Balance

Helps reduce bloating & digestive discomfort

Supports a healthy immune system and response

Maintains healthy bowel function

Supports overall wellness

  1. Supporting and Maintaining Digestive Balance: Tasteless Probiotics + Prebiotics contains a blend of beneficial probiotic strains, including Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium.  The inclusion of the prebiotic Galactooligosaccharides (GOS) can help stimulate, maintain and restore a healthy balance in the gut microbiome (including microbiota), promoting better gut health. 
  2. Alleviating Discomfort: The probiotic + prebiotic blend can help alleviate digestive discomfort and symptoms such as bloating and gas, improving your day-to-day life. 
  3. Supporting Healthy Immune System and Response: A healthy gut supports a robust immune system. By promoting a balanced gut microbiota, Tasteless Probiotics + Prebiotics can help support healthy immunity and encourages gut immune supporting bacteria.  
  4. Enhancing Digestive Function: This probiotic + prebiotic blend aids in the overall maintenance and restoration of your digestive well-being, contributing to a balanced digestive system.  It also maintains healthy bowel function and regularity.  
  5. Supports overall wellness: As well as the physical benefits, Tasteless Probiotics + Prebiotics also supports your emotional well-being.  The prebiotics (GOS) help you cope with and manage stress more effectively by reducing cortisol levels and stress hormone levels.  

Tasteless Probiotics with Foods & Drinks

Why Choose Tasteless Probiotics + Prebiotics?

Understanding that maintaining Gut Health is important for many people, we’ve tailored our Tasteless Probiotics + Prebiotics to be an excellent choice by making it easy to add to your daily routine. 

  1. All-in-one Formula:Tasteless Probiotics + Prebiotics is a complete gut health solution, combining multiple probioticsas well as prebiotics, to support and improve gut health. 
  2. 50 Billion CFU/Serve: Scientifically formulated, Tasteless Probiotics + Prebiotics offers an incredible 50 billion CFU per serve, combined with prebiotics.  
  3. Feel Better: Experience improved digestive health, reduced bloating and gas, and enhanced immune system, with this all-in-one solution.
  4. Easy to Incorporate: The best part? It’s tasteless and easy to use! You can simply mix it with any of your favourite foods or drinks below 40°C.

Start your gut health journey today with our amazing Tasteless Probiotics + Prebiotics! Experience the incredible benefits as we support you every step of the way, towards a healthier and happier you.